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€ 6 € 508

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For the birthday   +
3 Hours
€ 180

Practising the 5 Tibetans® on a daily basis has many positive benefits: mental poise as well as physical well-being. With our soulmate, you can practise the 5 Tibetans® on a flat clearing in the forest, then allow the atmosphere to work its magic as you enjoy a delicious farmhouse breakfast.

2 Hours
€ 183

Wool is a versatile raw material. With the right technique, you can make all sorts of useful accessories such as felt seat covers, sauna hats or even jewellery from it. After visiting our woolly friends at the Gunz Hof farm, you will make your own felt product from the natural material they supply.

3 Hours
€ 123

Rosemary and garlic are not the only options for a tasty herb-flavoured oil. Wild herbs from the forest can also be used to give oil a special flavour. Together with our soulmate, you will look for the right herbs in the forest and then use them to make your very own variety of herbal oil. Which you can of course then take home with you!

3 Hours
€ 123

Wild garlic, nettle or ground ivy: Wild herbs can be used to give every dish a special character, although each one only grows at a particular time of year. Our soulmate knows when - and which ones are suitable for making a delicious herb-flavoured salt.

4.5 Hours
€ 152

You will probably never forget this dramatic natural spectacle, as the sky over and above the Three Peaks shimmers in the most beautiful colours even before the first rays of sunlight appear. After the hike with a mountain guide, you will enjoy a hearty breakfast at the Plätzwiese mountain guest house with a spectacular view of the Dolomite peaks.

1 Day
€ 403

On this tour through the Dolomites - a UNESCO World Heritage Site - we promise to show you one photo spot after another. In one day you will meet all the "stars" of the world-famous Dolomites. And to round off the tour, you’ll enjoy a delicious picnic of local delicacies in the midst of all the stunning scenery.

1 Hour
€ 21

The stylish packaging of 58chocolate should give you an inkling of the delights concealed within: Impassioned chocolate maker Renè will explain to you in person how the chocolate is made in his artisan chocolate manufactory in the heart of Merano. Finally, there is of course the opportunity to taste these exquisite creations made using simple, pure raw ingredients.

1 Day
€ 231

The romantic igloo accommodation is a magical experience for connoisseurs and adventurers with a passion for wellness. Mountainiglu at the Speikboden offers everything you need for an adventurous night. A lot of nature, wellness, romance and excellent food.

4.5 Hours
€ 152

You will probably never forget this dramatic natural spectacle, as the sky over and above the Three Peaks shimmers in the most beautiful colours even before the first rays of sunlight appear. After the hike with a mountain guide, you will enjoy a hearty breakfast at an alpine refuge with a spectacular view of the Dolomite peaks.

2 Hours
€ 112

Forest bathing in winter offers a special opportunity to more consciously experience the peace and tranquility of the forest at this time of year. During this activity, various practical and dynamic exercises are offered to inspire you to connect more deeply with the forest and its elements. The goal is not only to experience the forest with your primary senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell), but also to engage your authentic feelings. In this way, a resonant space is created between the quiet splendor of the forest and one's own sensations. The forest presents itself as a state of realization in which desires come true without effort.