
How long is an experience voucher valid?

An experience voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.

How long is a value voucher valid?

A value voucher is valid for 3 years from the date of purchase.

Is a voucher transferable to other people?

Yes, a voucher is freely transferable to other people.

How can I redeem an experience voucher and book an appointment?
  • Call the corresponding webpage: Redeem-voucher.
  • Click on the "Redeem Voucher" button, a new window will open.
  • Enter your voucher code.
  • Choose your desired date and time.
  • Enter your contact information.
  • Complete the booking by clicking "Request date".
  • Once the provider confirms the appointment, you will receive an email with the valid ticket.
How do I redeem a value voucher and book an appointment?
  • Recall the experience for which you wish to redeem the voucher: All Tours.
  • Enter the desired date.
  • You will be guided through the booking process.
  • Enter the voucher number in the payment process in the "Enter code" field and the amount will be charged automatically.

Purchase and order

How can I pay at myTour?

You can buy online with credit card or PayPal.

How do I know that my reservation request has been received?

Una conferma vi sarà inviata via e-mail.

How can I get a voucher?

You will receive the voucher in PDF format via e-mail immediately after purchase. Also check your spam folder.

Where can I enter my discount code?
  • Place the desired experience in the shopping cart.
  • Click on "Redeem discount code" in the shopping cart and enter the code in the field provided.
  • The cart total will automatically be reduced by the amount of the discount code.

    Please note:
  • Discount codes cannot be combined with other discount promotions.
  • They cannot be applied to the purchase of vouchers.
  • Only one discount code can be used per order.
  • The discount code has a limited validity and a minimum order value.
  • When exchanging a product purchased with a discount, the discount will not be credited and only the value paid can be used for the exchange.
When and how do I receive the booking confirmation?
  • Within 72 hours you will receive a booking confirmation or a new date proposal by e-mail. If you accept the new date, the tour is confirmed.


Can I postpone or cancel a booked appointment?

To cancel or reschedule your appointment, please email us at team@my-tour.it. A postponement or cancellation of the appointment is possible free of charge within 48 hours before the tour.

The following cancellation fees apply from 48 hours before the scheduled date:

  • 48 hours before the tour: free of charge
  • Within 48 hours before the tour: 100% of the ticket price
  • No-show: 100% of the ticket price.
How do I communicate any food allergies or intolerances during dining experiences?

Please inform us of any food allergies or intolerances at least 48 hours before the booked date. You will find contact details on the experience ticket or contact team@my-tour.it directly.

What should I do if bad weather is forecast?

Many experiences take place outdoors and are subject to weather conditions. If participation is dependent on certain weather conditions, we have included this information in the experience description.
If the experience cannot take place due to weather conditions, we will contact you via email or phone to clarify further procedures (e.g., rescheduling).

Personalize experiences

Can I personalize an experience?

Experiences can be personalized on request, e.g. cake, Prosecco, bouquet of flowers etc. for special occasions.


Do you have an additional question?

Please feel free to contact our team via the contact form or by e-mail at team@my-tour.it.